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SubjectRe: Modularizing source tree?
> I'm not saying that the kernel should be hacked up into bite sized pieces
> right now. With the current feature freeze that would create a mess. I'm
> saying it would be really nice if I could pick and choose what drivers I
> need for my system and just download those. Certainly this must be
> feasable for most of the things that currently can compile as modules?
> Maybe a few linkages need to go into the kernel, but (correct me if I'm
> wrong) a lot of modules can be compiled totally independently of the
> source tree, right? So why not let people d/l those instead? Create a
> "kernel core" with the stuff it needs to boot and the important stuff,
> like highlevel scsi, file system, sound driver, and the _really common_
> stuff like IDE, ext2, sound blaster (maybe). A four meg core kernel + a
> couple megs of drivers beats out 11 - 12 megs any day.

11Mb a day ? - learn to use diff 8)

As to the rest of the issues, its not sensible from a developer point of
view to do this. Nothing stops someone else offering a customised kernel
download service. Nothing at all

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