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SubjectRe: Proposed new file system?
Hi there.

>> I had it pointed out to me that a .tar.gzip file would be particularly
>> difficult to use since gzip compresses everything from start to end,
>> so I would probably look at either .zip or a .tar of a collection of
>> ..gz files, and deal with that later...

> You mean in rw mode, not ro, right?

Basically, yes - but as I understand it, somebody's alrady dealt with
the problems and got a cfs working with compression support for gzip,
compress, pkzip, lha, arj and rar...

> Since you could, I assume, do

> mount -t gzipfs -o loop /tmp/foo.tar.gz /mnt/tmp1
> mount -t tarfs -o loop /mnt/tmp1/foo.tar /mnt/tmp2

True - I never thought of that...

> With any kind of compression, you'll have to handle writing to the
> middle of a file anyway, one way or another. The "chunking" of zip
> or tarred gzipped files are more convenient, of course, since you
> get to recompress smaller files, but aren't the problems essentially
> the same?

Not necessarily...

The obvious way to deal with updating a file in an archive would be to
read the relevant file out from the middle of the archive and build
the new version on the end, then when the file is closed, cut the old
file out from the middle. This is a fairly trivial task where tar is
the outer layer, but considerably more complex when there's a gzip
wrapped round it...

Best wishes from Riley.

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