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SubjectRe: Need a "virtual directory"
Stelian Pop wrote:
> Hello everybody! (This is my first message in this mailing list.)
> I am searching a solution in order to have the following situation:
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Consider two users A and B.
> When A makes a "cd /virtual/src", he goes in /src/A.
> When B makes a "cd /virtual/src", he goes in /src/B.
> (this needs to work also when doing things like
> "open(/virtual/src/mystuff.c)" )
> ----------------------------------------------------
> This means that /virtual/src is a symbolic link, but a different symbolic
> link whose destination is depending on the user (user name, or
> some environment variable, whatever)

I've written something that does exactly this.

I hadn't finished writing the "userinterface" yet when I had to move
on to other stuff. Prod me this weekend, and I'll see what I can come
up with....


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