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SubjectSWAP: Linux far behind Solaris or I missed something
I've made some tests to load a computer (1GB memory).
A litle process starts eating 900 MB then slowly eats
the remainder of the memory 1MB by 1MB and does a
"data shake": 200,000 times a memcpy of 4000 bytes
randomly choosen.

I want to test the swap capability.

Solaris was used under XWindow, Linux under text
console... What do I forget to comfigure or tune?
Don't let me with such bad values.......

I removed micro seconds displayed by my function
after call to gettimeofday

megs Solaris Linux
901: 18 secs 9 secs
902: 11 secs 9 secs
903: 10 secs 9 secs
904: 9 secs 9 secs
905: 9 secs 9 secs
906: 9 secs 9 secs
907: 9 secs 9 secs
908: 9 secs 9 secs
909: 9 secs 9 secs
910: 9 secs 13 secs
911: 9 secs 17 secs
912: 9 secs 20 secs
913: 9 secs 24 secs
914: 9 secs 33 secs
915: 10 secs 44 secs
916: 9 secs 56 secs
917: 9 secs 65 secs
918: 9 secs 75 secs
919: 9 secs 81 secs
920: 9 secs 87 secs
921: 9 secs 96 secs
922: 9 secs 108 secs
923: 9 secs 122 secs
924: 9 secs 129 secs
925: 9 secs 142 secs
926: 9 secs 155 secs
927: 9 secs 161 secs

928 - 977 always 9 secs under solaris

978: 10 secs <stop testing>
979: 10 secs -------
980: 11 secs
981: 14 secs
982: 17 secs
983: 21 secs
984: 28 secs
985: 32 secs
986: 26 secs
987: 18 secs
988: 19 secs
989: 24 secs
990: 29 secs
991: 41 secs
992: 48 secs
993: 85 secs
994: 86 secs
995: 91 secs
996: 92 secs
997: 93 secs
998: 97 secs
999: 83 secs


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