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SubjectRe: Internationalizing Linux
Hi Tim.

> One thing to note when internationalizing things is that the
> *order* of arguments sometimes needs to be changed. Something in
> one language that might be written as

> Could not do task <X> because of condition <Y>

> might, under different grammatical rules of another language, have
> to be written as

> A condition <Y> prevented doing task <X>

In some cases, an argument may need to be used more than once, but
that's not a problem with the method I proposed, and am working on

> A truly horrible kludge I've used in that case is to put this in my
> code:

> printf( msg[code], taskname, condname, taskname );

> and in English, msg[code] would be

> "Could not do task %s because of condition %s\n"

> (the extra arg to printf is ignored). If someone needed to
> translate to a language that went the other way, they could do
> this:

> "A condition %0s%s prevented doing task %s\n"

> If the error message has three parameters, I'd write

> printf( msg[code], p1, p2, p3, p2, p1, p2, p3 );

> and so on. I'm definitely not proud of this gross hack.

Neither would I be, nor is it necessarily guaranteed to work - some
implementations of C treat %Ns (substitute any non-negative integer
for N) as specifying the MINIMUM field width for the string. To deal
with those, you'd have to use %0.0s instead of %0s at the relevant

Best wishes from Riley.

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