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SubjectRe: The history of the Linux OS

Sorry, I would have replied to this thread sooner, but my mail gateway
was on the fritz.

>>>>> "Neil" == Neil Conway <> writes:

Neil> The real problem doesn't really go away though. Unless I
Neil> miss my guess (and this is surely sliding OT rapidly) you
Neil> will end up with a *much* larger source-control database if
Neil> you check revs in the wrong order ?

The way that I would accomplish what you are trying to do, is by the
Check in the new source on the same branch as the lowest and _closest_
version number. If said version number is not at the head of the
branch in question, branch at said version number.

If that didn't make sense, here is an example (remember, all version numbers
you see are Linux source versions, and _NOT_ RCS/CVS file revisions):

For instance, let's say that you have Linux kernels 1.1.1, 1.1.5, and 1.1.6,
your tree could look like this (w/ each * being the state of the tree at
the given tag):

linux-1.1.1 linux-1.1.5 linux-1.1.6

You then all of a sudden receive a copy of linux-1.1.2. You now branch
at the closest and lowest revision on the tree (linux-1.1.1), since it isn't
at the head of the branch, and check-in the new Linux version (linux-1.1.2)
on the head of the new branch. Your tree now looks like:

linux-1.1.1 linux-1.1.5 linux-1.1.6
\ linux-1.1.2

Then, by some quirk of fate, you receive linux-1.1.4, so, you check-in the
linux-1.1.4 code base at the point of the closest smaller version number. Your
tree now looks like the following:

linux-1.1.1 linux-1.1.5 linux-1.1.6
\ linux-1.1.2 linux-1.1.4

Someone sends you linux-1.1.3, so you branch at linux-1.1.2, and check-in
linux-1.1.3 on the new branch:

linux-1.1.1 linux-1.1.5 linux-1.1.6
\ linux-1.1.2 linux-1.1.4
\ linux-1.1.3

I hope this made sense. Good luck w/ the Linux history repository.


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