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SubjectRe: IDE tape and SMP
> cli() doesn't seem to disable interrupts on all processors in SMP system
> if local interrupts were already disabled. This looks like a very strange
> SMP semantics.

This depends where you use it. cli/sti is now really a deep magic back
compatibility tweak. To quote the code

* A global "cli()" while in an interrupt context
* turns into just a local cli(). Interrupts
* should use spinlocks for the (very unlikely)
* case that they ever want to protect against
* each other.
* If we already have local interrupts disabled,
* this will not turn a local disable into a
* global one (problems with spinlocks: this makes
* save_flags+cli+sti usable inside a spinlock).

> I thought about replacing the cli() by spin_lock_irqsave(&hwgroup->spinlock)
> it the request-generator part of the driver but I'm not sure if this is
> enough yet, since the interrupt handler is called without the spinlock,
> and we might have to acquire it there as well.

That is why you need spin_lock_irqsave. The local cpu goes to cli() state
the other CPU's will spin if needed. In the irq handler just use
spin_lock(). Since the IRQ handler can only get into this state on
another CPU it is safe. And since the code in the other context has a bounded
completion time and is irq disabled you know it will complete allowing
the system to move on.

The spin_lock stuff is way more efficient SMP than a straight cli/sti. On
uniprocessor it basically comes out the same.

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