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SubjectRe: ext2fs and shared RAID subsystems
On Sun, 11 Oct 1998, Robert Gash wrote:

> Hey, I know this might be a little off-topic, but I need to know if
> the ext2fs will work with shared disk subsystems. I need a fully
> redundant system for the eMail servers at work, and the only way I
> can see having full redundancy (no one point of failure, N+1) is
> running 2 mail servers with a shared RAID5 disk subsystem.

Well, shared ext2fs won't work, but I can see another hack
that could work...

1. The two servers have something of a token on who keeps track
of the filesystem, the other server mounts the FS from the
other via NFS (over a local 100Mbit line).
2. The server which does _not_ handle the disk will be named
primary server, making the one with the disks less likely
to fall over.
3. If the server-with-the-disk falls over, the other one will
have to check the filesystems, grab the token and mount the
filesystem locally. The fsck will be the (prohibitive?)
4. In the meantime, the other server checks it's own FSes,
boots up, cannot grab the token and NFS-mount the disk.
When it's up and running, it will become the primary
server taking most of the load upon itself, relieving
the disk server.

The problem of having to do a filesystem check on switch
can not be alliated yet, at least not before Stephen
Tweedie and co have finished the yournalling code.

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