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SubjectRe: Unknown PCI device

On Fri, 2 Jan 1998, Hongwei Li wrote:

> Hi,
> We have an adapi/ide system running Linux kernel 2.0.30 (Slackware 3.3).
> Everything looks fine except one thing: the system does not recognize the
> Conner CT T8000-A tape drive (TR-4), which is an adapi/ide pci device. When
> I boot the machine, I get the following message:

Got one of those, works fine. How is it connected to the motherboard, on
one of the builtin ide channels, or on the supplied card ?

> Unknown PCI device (8086:7100)...
> Then, I check the file /proc/pci and find it shows the followings:
> .......... (recognize network card and video card)
> Bus 0, device 7, function 3:
> Bridge: Intel Unknown device (rev 1).
> Vendor id=8086. Device id=7113.
> Medium devsel. Fast back-to-back capable.

it's a "82371AB PIIX4 ACPI".

> Bus 0, device 7, function 2:
> USB Controller: Intel Unknown device (rev 1).
> Vendor id=8086. Device id=7112.
> Medium devsel. Fast back-to-back capable. IRQ 10. Master Capable.
> Latency=64.
> I/O at 0xef40.

it's a USB controller, "82371AB PIIX4 USB" to be exact.

> Bus 0, device 7, function 1:
> IDE interface: Intel Unknown device (rev 1).
> Vendor id=8086. Device id=7111.
> Medium devsel. Fast back-to-back capable. Master Capable.
> Latency=32.
> I/O at 0xffa0.

IDE interface, "82371AB PIIX4 IDE"

> Bus 0, device 7, function 0:
> ISA bridge: Intel Unknown device (rev 1).
> Vendor id=8086. Device id=7110.
> Medium devsel. Fast back-to-back capable. Master Capable. No
> bursts.

ISA bridge "82371AB PIIX4 ISA".

> Bus 0, device 0, function 0:
> Host bridge: Intel Unknown device (rev 1).
> Vendor id=8086. Device id=7100.
> Medium devsel. Master Capable. Latency=32.

Ahh, the chipset device, "82439TX". You've got a TX motherboard, and
those didn't exist when 2.0.30 was released (well not so as the kernel
knew about them anyway).

> Can anybody tell me what is wrong with my system? What should I do to let
> the system know the device? I greatly appreciate all help!

Hmm, the kernel should still find it if it's on a builtin ide channel, if
it's not you'll have to tell it where the IDE "controller" is. For
windows driver brokeness reasons (the looks on there ide "controller",
and then desides wether to install the ide support), mine is on the
supplied card, and I tell the kernel about it with this in my lilo.conf:

append = "ide2=0x1e8,0x3ee,11"

The double quotes are important. Read the correct settings off the board
for the first io and irq, no idea where the second comes from (well
linux/Documentation/ide.txt, but ...), that's the "official" third ide
adapter settings ;).

> Hongwei Li

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