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    SubjectRe: Good point of Linux over Windows NT

    #1: The kernel list is not a place for this sort of discussion.

    However, here is a list of random thoughts to get you started (I'm
    procrastinating when I should be writing a journal article):

    PUM wrote:
    > I need your help. I have to present this on 22th of January. Please answer
    > me as soon as you can.

    First, second, and third: you get the source, you get the source, you get
    the source.

    It is quicker.

    There are more people contributing to its development.

    There is little hype: people develop Linux because they enjoy it; they *use*
    Linux because it works. How much of the appeal of NT is simply marketing

    You are not tied to the (unknown) marketing model of a large US company.
    (Governments should worry about becoming dependent on foreign corporations
    for their internal integrety/independence).

    Linux is free: there are no issues of system licences (or system software
    upgrade costs) etc:

    1000 NT boxes = 1000*x + sysadmin
    1000 Linux boxes = sysadmin .

    (for x=$500, $500,000 = a lot of Linux system administration).

    I would advise you to talk with Linux International. . They will have
    lots of better reasons + examples of success stories, and this is what they
    are there for.


    Linux-PAM, libpwdb, Orange-Linux and Linux-GSS
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