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SubjectRe: RT task scheduling
On Sunday 09 April 2006 06:16, Ingo Molnar wrote:
> * Darren Hart <> wrote:
> > My last mail specifically addresses preempt-rt, but I'd like to know
> > people's thoughts regarding this issue in the mainline kernel. Please
> > see my previous post "realtime-preempt scheduling - rt_overload
> > behavior" for a testcase that produces unpredictable scheduling
> > results.
> thanks for the testcase! It indeed triggered a bug in the -rt tree's
> "RT-overload" balancing feature. The nature of the bug made it trigger
> much less likely on 2-way boxes (where i do most of my -rt testing),
> probably that's why it didnt get discovered before. I've uploaded the
> -rt14 tree with this bug fixed - does it fix the failures for you?

I ran the test 100 times, no failures! Looks good to me.

# for ((i=0;i<100;i++)); do ./sched_football 4 10 | grep "Final ball position"
| tee sched_football_ball.log; sleep 1; done
Final ball position: 0
Final ball position: 0

Looking at the patch, it looks like the problem was a race on the runqueue
lock - when we called double_runqueue_lock(a,b) we risked dropping the lock
on b, giving another CPU opportunity to grab it and pull our next task. The
API change to double_runqueue_lock() and checking the new return code in
balance_rt_tasks() is what fixed the issue. Is that accurate?

I was doing some testing to see why the RT tasks don't appear to be evenly
distributed across the CPUs (in my earlier post using the output
of /proc/stat). I was wondering if the load_balancing code might be
interfering with the balance_rt_tasks() code. Should the normal
load_balancer even touch RT tasks in the presence of balance_rt_tasks() ?
I'm thinking not.


Darren Hart
IBM Linux Technology Center
Realtime Linux Team
Phone: 503 578 3185
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