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SubjectRe: [RFC] sched.c : procfs tunables
Al Boldi wrote:

>Proper scheduling in a multi-tasking environment is critical to the success
>of a desktop OS. Linux, being mainly a server OS, is currently tuned to
>scheduling defaults that may be appropriate only for the server scenario.
I'm not sure I would agree about distribution kernels, and
kernels certainly have the options to trade overhead for more response.

>To enable Linux to play an effective role on the desktop, a more flexible
>approach is necessary. An approach that would allow the end-User the
>freedom to adjust the OS to the specific environment at hand.
>So instead of forcing a one-size fits all approach on the end-User, would not
>exporting sched.c tunables to the procfs present a flexible approach to the
>scheduling dilemma?

Let me agree with Mike and Con, I understand just well enough to pretty
much leave them alone. The swappiness is available, that's one of the
things which wants tuning. But the old 2.2 kernels did run better on
small machines, even a stripped 2.6 kernel is slower.

>All comments that have a vested interest in enabling Linux on the desktop are
>most welcome, even if they describe other/better/smarter approaches.
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bill davidsen <>
CTO TMR Associates, Inc
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