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SubjectRe: checklist (Re: 2.6.17-rc2-mm1)
> A lot of these are pretty hard and labor-intensive for people to set up and
> run. It would be nice, but from a global perspective it's not efficient
> for every member of the kernel team to do all these things. It's OK I
> think if a few specialists run these tools against lots of people's patches
> all at once.
> Which is basically what we're doing now, although I suspect we could be
> more rigorous about it.

How about if I set up an automated email drop - you email it a patch and
it will compile test it on a few different configs and run sparse, will
send you back mail when it's done.

I don't want to boot it, as that gets into security nightmares, but I
should be able to provide something that does static testing.

> - Matches kernel coding style(!)

E_NEEDS_AUTOMATED_FILTER / lint of some form.

The others all look doable.

The intent would not be that you get burdened with this, but that
developers send it there before sending it to you. It could even
hand out

Signed-off-by: Magic-testing-framework <>

tokens to people who use it ;-)

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