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SubjectRe: C++ pushback
[original poster de-cc'ed]

Martin Mares wrote:
> Can you name any reasons for why should we support C++ in the kernel?
1. Porting existing modules written in C++ - the trigger for this thread?

2. Shorter, faster, more robust code.
> Why shouldn't we invest the effort to making it possible to write kernel
> modules in Haskell instead?
C++ is a system programming language with good C compatibility. Making
the kernel compatible with C++ is doable.

Haskell is an excellent language, but it is not a system programming
language. Kernel programming does not fit well into the functional model.
> The kernel is written in C and its maintainers have so far agreed that
> C is enough and adding any other language brings more pain than gain.
> If you think otherwise, feel free to submit some real code which shows
> the advantages of using a different language.
That's certainly doable, however it is quite pointless since we know
that the code will be rejected regardless of any technical merits it may

error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function

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