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    SubjectRe: Compiling C++ modules
    On Mon, 24 Apr 2006 21:45:46 +0100, Alan Cox <> wrote:
    > makes without exceptions being used. It might be possible to move to a
    > strict C++ subset in the style of Apple but there isn't much interest in
    > this.

    Probably there will be two fields where a subset of C++ would give a big
    save to the kernel:
    - All that 'hand-coded' object orientation ans inheritance makes tons of
    structs repeating function pointers and the like, and using tricky
    rules to be sure nobody creates a class without a pure virtual method
    (funtion pointer). Binary space.
    - You are doing in source code what the compiler should do for you.

    > There are other problems too, notably the binary ABI between the C and C
    > ++ compiler might not match for all cases (in particular there are
    > corner cases with zero sized objects and C++).

    There is no point in interfaccing C and C++. But a full C++-subset kernel
    would be equally fast and probably safer to write code for that this.

    But things are like they are. Kernel is C.

    J.A. Magallon <jamagallon()able!es> \ Software is like sex:
    werewolf!able!es \ It's better when it's free
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