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SubjectRe: better leve triggered IRQ management needed

On Mon, 24 Apr 2006, Stephen Hemminger wrote:
> We should fail request_irq() if the SA_SHIRQ but the irq is edge-triggered.

That would be HORRIBLE.

Edge-triggered works perfectly fine for SA_SHIRQ, as long as there is just
one user and the driver is properly written. Making request_irq() fail
would break existing and working setups.

If you have a driver that requires level-triggered interrupts, then your
driver is arguably buggy. NAPI or no NAPI, doesn't matter. Edge-triggered
interrupts is a fact of life, and deciding that you don't like them is not
an excuse for saying "they should not work".

You can get an edge by having your driver make sure that it clears the
interrupt source at some point where it requires an edge.

And yes, that may mean that when you're ready to start taking interrupts
again, you are required to first read all pending packets, instead of just
assuming that a level-triggered interrupt will "just happen", but that's
the harsh reality for writing a driver that actually WORKS.

For a driver writer, there is one rule above _all_ other rules:

"Reality sucks, deal with it"

That rule is inviolate, and no amount of "I wish", and "it _should_ work
this way" or "..but the documentation says" matters at all.

If you can't take that rule, don't write drivers, and don't design
infrastructure for them.

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