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SubjectRe: Time to remove LSM (was Re: [RESEND][RFC][PATCH 2/7] implementation of LSM hooks)
* [2006-04-23 11:35]:
> On Sat, 22 Apr 2006 20:50:15 PDT, Crispin Cowan said:
> >> What happens if I ln /bin/stty /tmp/evilstty, then exploit
> >> vulnerability in stty?
> A crucial point here is that the 'ln' and the actual exploit don't
> have to be firmly attached to each other...

Yes, it doesn't even have to be malicious. Consider the following
An admin sets up an ftp-server with write access, running as root. He
chroots it and even creates AppArmor policy for it. However, he's a bit
sloppy and configures AppArmor so that the ftpd has write access to
everything in the chroot (even the stuff in bin/). The system is still
save, however, since the ftpd can't access anything outside of his
Later, the admin decides to save space, deletes the bin/ directory and
instead links /bin/ls into the chroot. Suddenly the system is easily
I think that's what people mean when they say "impossible to analyze".
You have to look at the complete filesystem state to make sure you
didn't accidently compromise the whole system.


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