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SubjectRe: is this GPL v2 violation - konica-minolta or EFI ?

On Tue, 18 Apr 2006, art wrote:
> is this GPL v2 violation - konica-minolta or EFI ?
> product: option for konica-minolta bizhub c351
> IC-402 Embedded Fiery Print Controller
> product: EFI - Fiery System 6e system 6e X3e CONTROLLER SOLUTIONS
> product: EFI - PrintMe

Probably not, but it's hard to tell.

When they sell you the system, they have to tell you how to get sources if
those things run Linux, but they don't actually have to make the sources
available otherwise.

(I didn't look the things up, but it's also pretty unlikely that they'd
have a custom kernel on them. I don't see why they should - at least the
IC-402 thing seems to be basically just an embedded PC. So I suspect they
have little incentive to keep anything secret).

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